Cheq | May 2024


Extended Payment Time Window

Due to low connectivity at times, the API timeout has been increased to 60s; any order taking longer to process will be cancelled, show an error screen, and go back to the cart to retry payment.

Most payments will process within seconds, but we increased the processing window to allow for a longer capture time, resulting in less payment failures.


Partner Web App (PWA)

Can now search for revenue centers in the business profile tab; you no longer need to scroll through a list to find another revenue center.


Payment Status Filters

Payment Status Filters have been set across all reports

Keeping in mind that transactions can take 24-72 hours to settle, you should select the payment status filters that are relevant to the time period you are pulling the reports post event. For example, if you are pulling reports night of event, you should select Authorized, Sent for Settled, and Settled.

  • Authorized: when the card used for the order has been authorized.
  • Sent For Settle: when a transaction is sent for settlement.
  • Pending Retry: when the capture of funds fails; system will retry to capture payment for 14-28 days, depending on the credit card company. There are a variety of reasons this can fail, including insufficient funds, suspected fraud, etc.
  • Cancel Payment: when a user refunds or cancels an order whose payment status is authorized.
  • Sent for Refund: when a payment has settled and a user refunds or cancels the order.
  • Settled: when a payment has settled and funds are credited to an associated bank account.
  • Pending: when a card is pending to be authorized; typically occurs in offline mode.
  • Chargeback: when a chargeback is processed and the money has been pulled back from the bank account.
  • Credit Reversed: when an order has a payment status of settled and money has been paid out, but payment processor has not received the funds from the bank/credit card company.
  • Capture Failure: when the payment status is pending retry and have not been able to capture funds over the 14-28 day period. Will not get paid for transactions.

Order Date & Time Filter

Order Date & Time filter has now been added to all Menu Items and Tips reports.

Beyond date, can also filter by time, to pull event-based reporting for events that go past midnight, during consecutive event days.

Two Simple Steps:

  1. Disable order date filter
  2. Use the Order Date & Time filter to select the event dates and hours (in military time)

Category Sales Reports by RC/RC Group

Category Sales Reports by RC/RC Group now include a column for the order date, allowing you to pull multiple events at a time.

Menu Items with Variations

Menu Items w/ Variations report shows menu items sales, including associated variations.

Sales Report Summary by RC/RC Group

Sales Report Summary by RC/RC Group now includes a column for the total # of orders.