Business Management

Customer Spotlight: Fox Vending

February 11, 2020 | By Cantaloupe, Inc.

Customer Spotlight: Fox Vending

Yoke’s latest customer spotlight is Fox Vending – a full-line vending, coffee service and micro-market operator in Chicago. Run by second-generation President Jennifer Fox, the nearly 60-year-old company prides itself on friendly service, timeliness and state-of-the-art technology to meet the needs of businesses in the area.

Several years ago, Fox was eager to implement micro-market solutions into her operation – seeing the value they could provide for a convenient buying experience that could also increase ROI. She first tested the waters with an existing micro market solution but realized over time their solution was not the right fit for her business needs. Wanting to expand her business into smaller locations, increase the flexibility in what can be sold, and at the same time have a technology solution that made sense financially, she knew it was the right time for Fox Vending to make the switch.

Enter Yoke Payments. With Yoke’s innovative self-checkout experience and software management system, Fox Vending was able to maximize profitability, scalability, and drive higher ROI through lower business costs – smoothly expanding into the micro-market industry.

Research shows a 154% growth in the micro-market segment since 2014, and an additional 45% growth is expected through 2020. In keeping with those stats, Fox Vending’s transition into micro-markets has proven successful – with the company also seeing significant growth at new and existing locations that she converted over to markets.

To this day, Fox Vending remains a great partner and has made micro-markets their go-to product because of Yoke technology – now having installed more than 25 markets throughout their territory. With the help of Yoke’s platform and award-winning customer service, Fox Vending has grown from a small to a medium-sized micro-market operator.

Fox has seen the following benefits by implementing micro-markets:

  • Revenue has skyrocketed
  • Sales tax can now be passed on to the end-user
  • Commissions are eliminated
  • Diverse inventory drives sales at higher price points
  • Less mechanical issues and downtime compared to vending coils and bill acceptors
  • Custom product pricing and promotions encourage purchases and customer retention

However, success goes both ways, as Fox is still one of the biggest promoters of the Yoke brand.

“It’s been a great partnership from day one,” said Michael Johnson, CEO of Yoke Payments. “[Jennifer] Fox is constantly helping us improve our platform with her feedback and product requests. With her experience in the industry she understands the value we bring and is constantly making introductions with other operators who are new to the industry or our services.”

Yoke is thriving in the micro-market industry by consistently providing the best services for both customers and operators. Understanding the big picture and the value of Yoke Payments is something Jennifer Fox instilled from the beginning of the relationship, and it continues to benefit both companies as they move forward together.


Cantaloupe, Inc.

Cantaloupe, Inc. is a digital payments and software services company that provides end-to-end technology solutions for the self-service economy.

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