Customer Engagement

Three Self-Serve Retail Models to Connect and Engage with Your Customers

December 5, 2019 | By Maeve Duska

Three Self-Serve Retail Models to Connect and Engage with Your Customers

Times are changing, and technology is catching up – cashless payments can be found almost anywhere, from break rooms to airports to stores. It is a trend that started long before Amazon Go and is continuing to grow along with the continuous growth of the digital world. Consumers are enjoying self-serve kiosks, micro-markets, and interactive payment touch screens to make their daily lives easier.  

With micro-markets, consumers can shop in an unattended store and simply use a self-serve kiosk to check out. Self-serve kiosks are seen almost everywhere, whether you are checking out at the grocery store or buying a book at the airport – not only are they convenient, but they allow retailers to use their employees elsewhere such as helping customers. Retailers are also able to build loyalty and relationships with customers through interactive payment touch screens by offering discounts or purchases from advertisers as well as providing immediate refunds. 

Check out Maeve McKenna Duska’s most recent Forbes story to read more about emerging retail models to connect and engage with customers.

Read the full article at Forbes 


Maeve Duska

Chief Marketing Officer

With more than 15 years of experience at USA Technologies, Maeve is passionate about sharing her expertise and knowledge in unattended retail and how platforms like USAT’s are enabling solutions through payments. She is an active contributor to Forbes and a frequent presenter at industry conferences such as CES, NAMA, and Money 20/20.

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