Sales & Use Tax on Cantaloupe
Products & Services FAQs
Q: What is sales and use tax and why am I paying it?
Sales or use tax is usually a pass-through tax. This means customers (in some cases business owners are the customers), not suppliers, pay the sales or use tax. However, suppliers must collect, deposit, and remit any taxable products or services purchased by the customer/business owner. Customers purchasing products are responsible for paying the sales or use tax.
Q: What Cantaloupe and Three Square Market products or services are taxable?
Taxability of products and services purchased from Cantaloupe and Three Square Market will vary from state to state. Examples of products and services include: cashless devices/kits, parts, monthly service fees, processing fees, rental fees, terminal fees, telemetry fees, software licensing fees, etc. Products or services do not include individual products/merchandise the customer is selling in its machines or locations. The operator is responsible for collecting and remitting sales or use tax on the sale of those goods.
NOTE: Taxes are based on your local and state laws. Only those applicable goods and services listed in your state/county laws will qualify as taxable.
Q: How is Cantaloupe charging sales or use tax and where will I see the charge?
Sales or use taxes will be charged on products or services monthly (including but not limited to software or hardware subscriptions, kiosks, card readers, cabinetry, cooler and freezer units, etc.). Based on how the customer is billed, the customer will see the tax charge displayed either directly on their invoice, and/or it will be displayed in connection with and added directly to the customer’s EFT payment.
Q: How will I be able to reconcile the tax charges/deductions?
ePort customers can view their billing inside of Seed Live. Once logged in, navigate to the Reports tab. You can view any of the following reports to see taxes displayed in the “Taxes” column: Payment Detail for EFT, Pending Payment Summary, Payment Reconciliation by Date Range, and Billing Summary.
Seed customers can view their billing directly on their mailed or emailed invoice statement.
Three Square Market customers can view their billing directly on their invoice statement. Online, customers can see tax information included in their sales summary report, if applicable.
Q: How do I know if I might be excluded from the tax base or tax exempt?
Please check with your local, state, and county laws, or consult with your accountant, to verify your status.
Q: How can I submit my Tax Exclusion or Exempt Certificates?
Cantaloupe customers can send their tax exclusion or exempt certificates to salestaxinfo@cantaloupe.com. Three Square Market customers can send their tax exclusion or exempt certificates to accounting_tsm@cantaloupe.com.
Q: Who can I reach out to if I have additional questions?
Best practice is to always consult with an accountant regarding applicable tax laws per state and local laws. If you have any questions for Cantaloupe around the process, charges applied, or general questions not covered in this FAQ, please email salestaxinfo@cantaloupe.com. For Three Square Market customers, email accounting_tsm@cantaloupe.com.